The Free Film Project

Filmmaking is great fun. But it’s also really expensive, and we know that this puts a major barrier in the road for numerous exciting and important ideas that never see the light of day. So we decided to set up The Free Film Project to create a pathway for some of these brilliant ideas and important projects to go into production, free of charge.

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What are we offering? We’re offering our time and expertise free of charge to help turn your idea/project/concept/screenplay into a reality.

Who is it for? It’s for anyone that would not otherwise be able to pay for production services. You might be an aspiring screenwriter or director, a community organisation, an individual with a story to tell – anyone. Your project or idea must be non-commercial (i.e.: it isn’t trying to sell something and you’re not being paid for it yourself), and at this time we’re not taking on music videos. If you’re working on a commercial project, you can find out more about our video production services here.

What’s in it for us? Principally, we want to work on projects that really excite us and this is a neat way of doing that while also doing something good for other people. It also helps to give us a flow of projects that we’re really proud of to add to our portfolio.

How often do we do it? We aim to make one of these every quarter, but it does depend on our workload. So please be patient, and we will get back to you as soon as we can to let you know if it’s something we want to work on with you.

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1. It’s intended for personal, community, and passion projects – commercial projects are not eligible. By “commercial”, we mean anything that is designed to generate revenue or business either directly or indirectly for an individual, company, or organisation.

2. We’re offering our time, expertise and equipment to make your project a reality. If you also need to be paid then you should explore funding opportunities elsewhere that are set up to accommodate this.

3. While we appreciate the work you do, charities in receipt of significant funding that would normally expect to pay for production are not eligible. But we do offer concessionary production rates for third sector and charity organisations. Please get in touch for our rate card if that’s of interest to you.

4. The idea behind this is to create a route for creative projects to go into professional production that would otherwise be prevented from doing so because of a lack of funding. If you or your organisation would normally expect to pay for video production services, please respect this. You can find out more about our paid video production services here.

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