

Originally produced by the Wychwood Brewery in Oxfordshire, Hobgoblin now stands as a cult favourite among ale drinkers. We were asked to create a bank of photographs and video clips for use across the brand’s social channels.

Somebody uses a bottle opener to open a bottle of Hobgoblin Session IPA.
Two bottles of Hobgoblin Dark Stout are clinked together to say cheers.
A hand reaches for a bottle of Hobgoblin Original IPA next to a Scrabble board and a bowl of popcorn.
A man opens a can of Hobgoblin Session IPA next to a bowl of pretzels and a games console controller.
A can of Hobgoblin Ruby Beer and Hobgoblin Gold Beer on a table next to a chessboard as a man moves the King piece.
Two bottles of Hobgoblin Gold Beer and Session IPA on a coffee table next to a bowl of crisps, a takeaway pizza, and a TV remote control.

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